Obesity rates cause hat sales to plummet

Headless obese 1

Oh my goodness! There’s so much for me to talk about today that I don’t know

headless obese 2 where to start. First thing is that obese people seem to have no heads. There are pictures everywhere today of headless obese people. In fact, I can’t find one of a fat person who has a head.

If any journalists are reading, the Rudd Center offers a set of media guidelines and a free image gallery to aid journalists, photo editors, bloggers, advertisers and other influencers in the creation and delivery of fair, unbiased coverage of obesity and weight-related topics on television, in print and online. These comprehensive resources can be found online at www.yaleruddcenter.org.

About antidieter

My mission is to enlighten people - in more ways than one!
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